Entering China During Covid-19
If you are stranded outside of China and unable to get back in, you are not alone. There are tens of thousands stranded outside of China, like you, and are trying to return. This page is to share latest developments for those of you who are trying to get back into China.
A gigantic shout out to the creators and admins of SHA Arrivals and Quarantine Group Chats, as well as group chat admins of various expats stranded in different countries. They have all been graciously sharing information on anything related to returning to China during the Covid-19 pandemic, quarantine procedure, etc.
I will share below any information that they have shared, that I come across or anything you share with me via shanghaiexitentry at gmail. (Note: I will not respond to emails with questions that can be asked on the Q&A forum.)

- A Rough Guide to SH Quarantine Sep 2020 (File size: 7MB )
- SH Arrival & Quarantine Process V1
- SH Home Quarantine 20200813
- StrandedOutsideChina & Arrival Groups_20200927
- Health Code Guide (In China) 20200917
- SH Hotel & Home Quarantine Master List 20200917
- FINALLY some good news for expats stranded outside of China
- [READ THIS FIRST] Returning to China Guide by AMCHAM Shanghai (Sep 2020)
- FAQ Americans Outside China Rev8-abridged.pdf
- Health Pass 7 Steps (Cloud Health App)
- What to pack for quarantine by @the_tourism_teacher
- Quarantine Packing list - The Just In Case Bag
- Q&A China Visa, Flights, Quarantine ***
^ *** UPDATE:
“Just wanted to let you know that UK citizens traveling for china do have to go through a Health Declaration Form (HDC). In your China visa Q&A it says only Chinese citizens need to so just wanted to clear that up in case it misleads people.
The documents the consulate in UK are giving out are here:
Thanks Scott!
News / Experiences getting a PU
We’d appreciate it if you share your experiences of getting a PU to help others by emailing [email protected]
Shanghai started accepting application for PU letters for spouse and children of foreign workers
Foreigners in Shanghai can finally get PU letters for their family dependents! Great news from friends at NewlandChase CIBT-FSG: “Effective immediately, Chinese authorities in Shanghai have begun to issue the PU letters to foreign family dependents (spouse and children under the age of 18) in a gradual and consistent manner. Family dependents (spouse and children)
001-Getting a PU
001-Getting a PU Shared by a group member who’s received their PU letter recently. – District office: Fengxian District 奉贤区 – Timeline (2 weeks): district approval in 1 week, city approval in 1 week – Applicant is a shareholder of a logistics real estate company (work visa, not spouse or dependent visa) – PU is
If none of the above information answered your question, you can check out our Q&A forum and search keywords to see if someone has already asked your question. If there are none, submit a new question!