Do I need to exit China to get the Z visa?

Q & A ForumCategory: Work PermitDo I need to exit China to get the Z visa?
Ben asked 4 years ago

I’m currently in China on an L visa. However I’ve been hired by an employer who is willing to do the work visa for me. I have a couple of questions:
1. Will I need to exit China to get the work visa? Obviously this is not possible at the moment with the foreigner ban.
2. How long does the process take once all documents are submitted?

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 4 years ago

Hey Ben, 
I’ve answered your questions in-line:
1. Will I need to exit China to get the work visa? Obviously this is not possible at the moment with the foreigner ban.
No, you do not have to exit China to get the work visa. 

2. How long does the process take once all documents are submitted?
Once the exit-entry bureau accepts your application(=successful submission) then it usually takes 7 business days. 
Your company HR should know the documents required but the following links can give you an idea of the work permit application -> residence permit application process:
Step 1: Work permit documents and application
Step 2: Residence permit documents  [I need to update this… please check again in a few days. Thanks.]
Step 3: Residence permit application submission (the only part in the process that you need to show up and show your face and match it to the passport ID page)
If you have any questions, let me know. 

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