Residence Permit denied

Q & A ForumResidence Permit denied
Talha asked 5 years ago

Hi, I applied for residence permit after getting Z-Visa and I went to exit entry bureau in Pudong to collect and they told me that its not ready and come next week. Later I went again and they told me we are not giving you residence permit and didn’t tell me the reason and told me to contact my employer. My employer also didn’t tell me the reason and is letting me wait. According to the employer I am not gonna get the residence permit and if I ask Exit Entry bureau to return my passport its gonna be bad for me. They told me to wait for Exit Entry Bureau to contact us and we will have an interview and they will tell you the reason and will give you some time to leave the country. I was supposed to get my passport on 25th of November. I am worried if its gonna cause any problem for my future visa applications in China. Looking forward to a helpful reply. Thanks

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Talha, 
Sorry for the slow response. Has there been any updates since a week ago? 
I have never experienced nor heard about something similar to this case… 
There must be a red flag or red flags that the exit entry bureau detected. It seems like the employer tried to hire you in an illegitimate way. If I were you, I’d find another employer who is more trustworthy. 
Hope it works out well. 
Warm Regards.

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