
Q & A ForumCategory: Business Visa (M)m-visa-2nd-extension-or-60-day-automatic-extension
alex asked 5 years ago

Hi,  currently holding an M visa ( multiple, 90days) valid until Feb 2021
I used up the 60 days- auto extension in May.
In July I got a 3 months M- visa extension in BJ (got a new full-page sticker in my passport, with all the entry / exit info listed as ‘N/A’. )
The current extension is valid until mid-October.
Question : I am I eligible again for another 60 -day automatic extension after my current, new extension sticker expires ?
And : Is it technically possible to get a second extension for my M visa ?
Thx in advance !

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Alex,
My answers in-line:
Hi,  currently holding an M visa ( multiple, 90days) valid until Feb 2021
I used up the 60 days- auto extension in May.
In July I got a 3 months M- visa extension in BJ (got a new full-page sticker in my passport, with all the entry / exit info listed as ‘N/A’. )
The current extension is valid until mid-October.
Question : I am I eligible again for another 60 -day automatic extension after my current, new extension sticker expires ?
Nope. The 60-day automatic extension is a one-time deal. Since you have used it before, you won’t be able to enjoy that benefit again. 
And : Is it technically possible to get a second extension for my M visa ?
If it’s technically, then I think, no.
Technically, it’s rare to give an extension for a M visa in recent years. Furthermore, two extensions, on any type of visas, are never provided, as far as I know. 
Since covid-19 is a special case, I think technicality is out the window. Therefore, exit-entry/public security bureaus (should) be more lenient/understanding of the situation. You just need to pray you get a nice immigration officer. (Or, go back another day or go to another PSB and hopefully get designated to a nicer officer) Worse comes to worst, you’d have to get a 30-day stay permit and reapply every 30 days. 
Good luck!
Warm Regards,
Just Another Expat

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