I have valid work permit but resident permit is about to expire in April, I am outside China

Q & A ForumI have valid work permit but resident permit is about to expire in April, I am outside China
Lokesh asked 5 years ago

Hi Sir,
My work-permit is already extended for 1 year and but resident permit will expire on 26 April 2020.
Right now I am at my home country(India). And my country locked all the domestic and international borders due to Covid-19.
China also locked international borders now.
So there is no chance of travel to shanghai now for resident permit extention.
My queries are:-
1. Can we continue to be paid work (with home office), if resident permit expire and work-permit is valid?
2. Can we get visa on arrival (port visa) as mentioned in following web-link if resident permit expired?

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Lokesh,
Answer to Question #1: any legal queries… I would recommend following this wechat official account: LawInAMinute
and he also runs a wechat group where he answer questions whenever possible. His wechat ID: edgarwlchoi
You can ask him to pull you into the wechat group. 
Answer to Question #2:
The article was published on March 5th and, last week, China has banned all foreigners unless they hold a special type of visas like visas for diplomats. So the answer is no until they update policies again in weeks time. 
Stay healthy and safe!
Best Wishes

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