Flying domestically in China on a 60-day automatic visa extension – resolved!

Q & A ForumCategory: COVID: 2-month automatic extension(overstay)Flying domestically in China on a 60-day automatic visa extension – resolved!
Brianna asked 4 years ago

Hello, I asked a question about a week ago and I just wanted to give an update on what actually happened to help out anybody in the same situation.
Flight from Shanghai to Beijing: check-in counter nobody even looked at the visa, no problems
Flight from Beijing out of China: check-in counter nobody looked, immigration counter took a little bit longer because they had to call their supervisors I assume because they saw my visa was expired, I didn’t have to give my explanation that I still fell within the 60-day extension, they stamped like normal and I was on my way

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing, Brianna!!!
I’ve modified your title by inserting “domestically in China.”
Take care. 
Warm Regards,
Just Another Expat

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