Does a certified true copy stamp from the Canadian embassy in Shanghai count as legalization?

Q & A ForumCategory: Work PermitDoes a certified true copy stamp from the Canadian embassy in Shanghai count as legalization?
Bob asked 5 years ago

The certified true copy stamp is the only thing the Canadian consulate in Shanghai provides. I am unable to get my criminal background check legalized by the Chinese embassy in Toronto as it is closed. Will this stamp from the embassy be enough for it to be accepted by the PSB for a Z visa? A buddy of mine had this stamp only and it was accepted. Was this lucky, or is this stamp enough?
If it isn’t enough, do I have any other options? Thanks

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

Hey Bob, 
Yes. And if you want to be absolutely sure, my friend has agreed to take a look and confirm. So you can send it to (feel free to cover your name or passport number) and I’ll have my friend confirm and let you know. Cheers.

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