Can apply for a new work permit during the 2 months epidemic extension?

Q & A ForumCan apply for a new work permit during the 2 months epidemic extension?
Salim asked 4 years ago

my work permit (and residence permit) will expire on April 30. According to the government policy, which I hope still valid, my visa will be automatically extended for 2 additional months. Initially I plan to return back to my country perhaps in late May or so. However, I recently received a job offer from another company. In this case I want to ask whether I am allowed to process a new work permit application during these 2 months extension, or should I apply for a 30-day humanitarian visa first?
Thank you very much,

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Salim,
I would recommend getting your new employer to get started on applying for your new work permit right away. Before they can do that, your current employer will need to cancel your current work permit from the labor bureau and . Read these articles to get a better understanding : and
Strictly speaking, you’re not supposed to apply for a new visa during the 2 month extension period…. But given the virus, I think they’ll understand and should have no problem processing your new work permit as long as you have all the required documents in place. 
My thoughts:
Best case scenario is your current employer cancels your work permit and does not cancel your residence permit so you can get a new work permit right away. If they do cancel your residence permit, then apply for the 30-day humanitarian visa.  
Let us know how it goes. 

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