Any updates of when Americans with tourist visas can enter

Q & A ForumAny updates of when Americans with tourist visas can enter
Luis Hiram asked 5 years ago

With the recent news that Americans can enter with a 72 hour negative vivid test I would like to know if there has been any update with what visa holders can enter because they didn’t mention it at all in any news outlet, only the covid test requirements 

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

People are not allowed to enter China with tourist visas yet.
You’ll need to get a PU invitation letter.
Or any visas you are managed to apply for and successfully get issued from your local Chinese consulate/embassy, since any visas issued after March 29th, 2020 are not subject to the travel ban. But, of course, Chinese embassies/consulates around the world are barely handing out new visas.