Accommodation registration with residence permit

Q & A ForumAccommodation registration with residence permit
Daniel asked 5 years ago

Hi, do I still need to go for accommodation registration each time I enter China from foreign Country? I have a valid residence permit and already registered at the local police in the past for my address. Apparently the online registration does t work for me. At the end it says “go to a local police station”

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

Hey Daniel,
If you’ve got a valid residence permit, same address and registered at the local police previously, then no you don’t need to re-register the address.
You only need to re-register with the police when you have renewed(or got a new) visa/residence permit or moved to a new address. 
Something to note when you renew your visa:
There was this guy, who was based in Shanghai, went on a biz trip to somewhere in the outskirts of Shanghai. He stayed at an hotel in that area. When he tried to renew is residence permit, immigration officer said he wasn’t registered at the address he had written in his documents. Turns out he was last registered for that hotel in the rural part of Shanghai. It doesn’t matter if you’ve stayed at a hotel outside of Shanghai. But, if you stay at a hotel anywhere within Shanghai, then your registered address might have changed to the hotel’s address. So make sure when you renew your visa, you re-register with the police station just to make sure you don’t get rejected at the exit-entry bureau. 

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