X2 to X1

Q & A ForumX2 to X1
isabella asked 5 years ago

I have an X2 visa valid until mid-febuary and my university orientation is at the end of February but can i go to the exit entry office and apply for the X1 with my university documents? some people tell me yes and others say no since i don’t have a residence permit issued by an institution, they say i have to go abroad. if i do have to go abroad to apply in a place like HK, how long must i stay there before re entry? does shanghai have a visa exempt timeframe? 

2 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

hmm… I personally know some exchange students from Singaporean universities who came to Shanghai and they were in a similar situation (tried to extend by just another month or not even).
The most crucial documents were:
– a colored form (JW201 or JW202?)
– a form from the University (must be a government recognized university. NOT a private language school)
Not sure if this is the same form or separate forms.
Refer to these links:
If you want the clearest and the most up-to-date answer… just go to the nearest exit entry bureau and they should have one or two “enquiry” booths dedicated to any questions you may have. If you have some documents already, bring them all with you. They can review your documents and let you know what you are missing. 
If you do have to do a visa run… you can try HK, Kinmen Island, or Seoul…Agencies usually have express services if you’re in a rush.. 
There is no minimum number of days you have to be outside of china before re-entry… I know some people who left and came back to the mainland the same day but most people usually spend at least a night or two before re-entering. 
The only official “visa-exempt timeframe” would be if you are on a layover (and have a boarding pass to prove you’re flying somewhere next within 144hrs).
The other one I can think of is if you are on a work permit and switching companies… then they give you a temporary residence permit called “humanitarian visa” but this shouldn’t apply to you. 
If I were you, I would just reserve 2-3 hours and ask the officers at the “inquiry” booths at an exit-entry bureau. If you’re missing any documents, they will tell you what you are missing. 
Good luck, Isabella!!

smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

This is a very reputable agency in Seoul: 

In the main menu look for: “CHINA VISA” -> study visa

(their main menu is in adobe flash so you need to allow the site to run adobe flash)

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