Will I have a 60-day automatic extension if it's my first time applying for a stay visa? (I got to Shanghai through an APEC card)

Q & A ForumCategory: COVID: stay permitWill I have a 60-day automatic extension if it's my first time applying for a stay visa? (I got to Shanghai through an APEC card)
Jess asked 5 years ago

I came in to Shanghai earlier in April through an APEC card and I’ve already applied for a Stay Visa earlier in May. Is the stay visa eligible for a 60-days automatic extension? 

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

yes, you’re still eligible because:

  • the Chinese government hasn’t made any changes to the 60-day automatic extension policy for foreigners
  • the Chinese government hasn’t announced that the pandemic period is over (and therefore the 60-day automatic extension is still available)
  • you haven’t used your 60-day automatic extension yet (which is a one-time deal for any visa type) 


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