From tourist L visa to business M visa

Q & A ForumCategory: Business Visa (M)From tourist L visa to business M visa
AJ asked 5 years ago

I wonder if its possible to apply for a M business visa from my current extended tourist visa? I don’t have all the necessary documents for a Z visa at the moment, and because the Chinese consulate in my home country is closed, that kind of paperwork might take a long time. Do you know any trustful agents to help me with this ?

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

As far as I know, it’s impossible to go from tourist(L) visa to business(M) visa in China. Business visas should be obtained outside of China. 
How many days did your tourist visa allow you to stay? 30? 60? 90?
If you apply for a stay permit, they might grant you same number of days of stay (i.e. 30, 60, or 90). 
I know this is true for those who had multiple entries for 60 or 90 days – they got a stay permit of corresponding number of days and didn’t cancel their Business visit or Private visit visas. Not sure if it’s the same for multiple entry tourist visas. 
Take a look at these two:
Sure, please email me at shanghaiexitentry@gmail and I will make an intro you to a guy I know at a trusted visa agency. 
Warm Regards,
Just Another Expat

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