Maximum duration of a S2 visa

Q & A ForumMaximum duration of a S2 visa
Angel asked 4 years ago

I wonder what is the maximum duration of a S2 visa. Three months? Or can it be longer? This is connected to my personal situation.
Thank you.

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 4 years ago

I think maximum I’ve heard is 210 days for a S visa but not sure if it was S1 or S2. Basically the person was born in Shanghai, immigrated to the US, gave up his Chinese citizenship but grandparents are Shanghainese. So through the grandparents’ Shanghainese status, got 210 days per entry. 
However, three months tend to be the norm. And you can apply for an extension before it expires. You cannot it extend it more than once. 

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