Entering China with residence permit

Q & A ForumCategory: Work PermitEntering China with residence permit
Francois MAINETTI asked 4 years ago

I am a French citizen, currently in Shanghai. I have a residence permit and work permit  issued on December 30th 2020. I plan to go to France in July and come back in September. Do I need a PU letter to enter China in addition to the work and residence permit?

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 4 years ago

Since you already have a work-related residence permit so you do not need a PU letter.

As long as your residence permit is valid, you can

  • apply for a green health code by the Chinese embassy in France before heading back to China
    • they will assess your case based on the covid infections in the local country(France) and whether you have received the Chinese vaccine
  • increase your chances of coming back to China by receiving the Chinese vaccine

Good luck!

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