Daughters S2 visa extension

Q & A ForumCategory: COVID: stay permitDaughters S2 visa extension
Michelle Kimberley asked 4 years ago

My daughter has been staying with me and has an S2 visa which expires on January 8th 2021. Her flight has already been cancelled back to London and giving the current situation it is not safe for her to return anyway. We are looking at extending and have the relevant documents apart from a ‘relationship certificate’ from the British consulate which has been mentioned…is this correct? If so, how do i get this form. If a thirty day extension is granted then is it possible to apply for this every thirty days?
Any help much appreciated.
Regards, Michelle

1 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 4 years ago

Different countries’ consulates provide different services… I asked around and apparently the British consulate in Shanghai does not provide “relationship certificates” servce/form nor do they authenticate it. It must be done in the UK. 
I would recommend you to call / visit the British consulate anyways… and ask for their advice.  
The thirty day extension – seems to be a case-by-case basis (and sometimes depends on how lucky you get with the immigration officer). 
I’ve heard people with M-visas weren’t granted any more extensions after one or two extensions. Nationalities, availabilities of flights, covid situation in home country all play a factor in their decision-making process. 
S2 visa – Your daughter is extending it, not applying for a new one. So, at least to me, it’s a worth a shot to prove to the PSB your family relationship somehow – e.g. a printed soft copy of the proof of mother-daughter relationship your daughter used when she applied for the S2 visa a few months ago back home. 
Along with any other documents that can help your case:

  • covid cases in your daughter’s neighborhood in the UK;
  • get your employer to write a statement in Chinese that connects the daughter to you (and with passport numbers) and that she won’t have any financial issues / won’t cause any trouble, and top it off with a company chop 

Good luck!

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