How do I get registered at the police station?

Q & A ForumHow do I get registered at the police station?
Jerome V Staff asked 5 years ago

I just moved into my new apartment. Can someone tell me how to register with the po-po?

3 Answers
smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

You’ll need to bring with you your passport(original and a copy), rent contract(original and a copy), and a photocopy of your landlord’s local ID.
There are chances that you’re renting from a second (or even 3rd) landlord so you might get a copy of a copy of the landlord’s ID.
Don’t worry if you can barely see the landlord’s face on the ID photocopy. I think all that the police station cares about is the ID number.

Emma answered 5 years ago

Each compound is under the management of a particular police station in the neighborhood. You can ask your management office, next door neighbors, realtor or flatmates for the relevant police station to do the 住宿登记 registration.
You would also need to do this for anyone who visits Shanghai and stays over at your place.
If your friend is on the 144-hr transit visa and staying at your place, you definitely will need to do this or you’ll get a call from the police station.
If your friend is staying at a hotel then no worries at all. Hotels will register all foreigners as part of their standard check-in procedure.
Some local budget hotels do not allow foreigners because they do not have an automated system to register foreigners with the police station.

smooth-administrator Staff answered 5 years ago

Good news!!!! 
You can now register with the police online!!!
Check out the step-by-step guide by Alex Panayotopoulos from SmartShanghai:

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